Reliving 2023


Program and conferences 2023 in replay

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Saturday, October 21, 2023

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Conférences mummood 2023

Let's rediscover instinctive breastfeeding in the first 3 days

This conference is an invitation to rediscover the ancestral bonds that unite mothers with their newborns. Suzanne Colson, guides us on an intimate and natural journey, reminding us that breastfeeding is as instinctive as breathing. It's a powerful message of self-confidence and trust in one's body, a celebration of women's innate ability to nourish life.

The nights of breastfed babies and their parents

In this conference, Claude Suzanne Didierjean Jouveau addresses a topic that is often taboo: the nights of breastfed babies. She creates a space for sharing and understanding, where parents can exchange their experiences, doubts, and successes. It's a powerful message of solidarity and support, reminding parents that they are not alone in this nocturnal adventure. 

The role of partners in breastfeeding

Céline Verguet highlights the crucial importance of solidarity and support among mothers. Her conference emphasizes how sharing experiences and advice can transform the breastfeeding experience. It's a celebration of the strength of the collective, a call to forge bonds of sisterhood among all mothers.

In every drop of breast milk, an embrace of life and love infuses, an intimate symphony between a mother and her child.

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Like a photo? You can download it and even make a donation to support the association that advocates for and protects breastfeeding by joining MUM MOOD 


Affiche mummood 2023

We are actively working on the 2024 edition. 

Don't miss anything ! 


communiqué de presse 2023


Un immense merci à nos exposants exceptionnels qui ont contribué à faire du Salon de l’Allaitement MUM MOOD 2023 un événement mémorable et enrichissant ! Votre engagement et votre passion ont apporté une valeur inestimable à cette expérience dédiée à la promotion de l’allaitement. Nous sommes reconnaissants de votre participation et de votre soutien continu.


Un sincère merci à nos partenaires qui ont joué un rôle essentiel dans la réussite du Salon de l’Allaitement MUM MOOD 2023 ! Votre soutien inestimable et votre engagement envers notre cause ont grandement contribué à faire de cet événement un succès. Nous apprécions profondément votre collaboration et sommes reconnaissants de pouvoir compter sur des partenaires aussi dévoués.

Because breastfeeding is a right and a choice.
Follow us on social media to advance science !

Together, let's cultivate a strong and caring community !